Measure Distance

It measures the distance between two objects. More details can be found here

Measure Angle 

The command measures the angle between 2 axis. More details can be found here

Point Information 

Choose this option if you want to get coordinates of a point on the model. More details can be found here

Show Bounding Box 

Calculates displayed component's Bounding Box. More details can be found here

Curvature Analysis

Curvature Analisys measures two properties of a face/surface: curvature and deviation of face's normal from the absolute Z+ axis. More details can be found here

Sphere Selection 

Its selects the components touched by a sphere centered in a selected point. More details can be found here

Compare Geometry 

The command creates an assembly to compare two or more components. More details can be found here

Show Label Panel

This feature assigns a label to selected object(s). More details can be found here

Show Quotes Panel

Opens a panel to manage quotes and labels. More details can be found here

Show Face Info Panel 

Activates the panel reporting info on a selected face or point.

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