Completely rewritten and based on Bly 3D Viewer technology, it cuts the link with the previous generation and represent a disruptive innovation in clamps design.


Developed on the experience made with Guideline 3, but with a completely new interface, new calculation algorithm, its improved graphical kernel and with an enriched set of functionalities, Guideline 4.0 works in combination with standardised clamping systems to design the clamps in an early stage, enabling significant savings in work capacity, improvements in quality and creating opportunities of increasing process automation.


  • Model import from CAD (Siemens NX, DASSAULT SYSTEMES CATIA V5, STEP and IGES)
  • Full FCS components library, customizable
  • Definition of FCS placement seats
  • Semi-automated FCS components placement
  • Multi-clamping definition per piece
  • Multi-piece clamping (NEW!)
  • Stock creation and placement
  • Sacrificial pillar creation (NEW!)
  • Multi-machines clamping
  • Clamping export to CAD/CAM (Siemens NX, DASSAULT SYSTEMES CATIA V5, STEP and IGES)
  • Bill of material generation and management
  • Automated documentation and instruction generation


The new Guideline 4.0 offers complete viewing functionalities, inherited form Bly 3D Viewer, that are embedded in the software and extend its usage to maximum exploit 3D geometry potential.


  • Dynamic sectioning
  • Geometrical analysis and measurement
  • Assemblies creation and management
  • Mass properties calculation


Guideline 4.0 is the first step toward a fully integrated suite of software to make Industry 4.0 a reality.

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