To better manage clamp environment and elements positioning, there are a few commands place in the upper side of the graphic window

 Activate/Deactivate spheres

It turns on/off the positioning spheres.

 When off, machine phase's cones are displaied if present

 Activate/Deactivate cones

It turns on/off the machine phase's cones.

 Show/Hide piece

It blanks/unblanks the workpiece. Please, note that this is a visualisation function olny, Guideline's calculations and clamping functionalities are maintained.

 Show/Hide Stock

It blanks/unblanks the raw block, if present. Please, note that this is a visualisation function olny, Guideline's calculations and clamping functionalities are maintained.

 Original CSYS

It orients the manipulator along the original workpiece's CSYS (design CSYS). Workpiece drags along design axis.

 Absolute CSYS

It orients the manipulator along absolut clamping CSYS. Workpiece drags along absolute axis.

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