Once set, options are automatically stored into local installation, so the sw will keep them at every restart.

It is also possible to export them into a text file: the file can then be copied and pasted into any Bly3D Viewer/Guideline 4.0 installation and the sw will apply them at the first restart. The text file's name is "Bly3DSettings.txt" and is generated by pressing "Export" button at the bottom of the Advanced Settings window: it must be saved under installation directory (by default C:\BCK Solutions\GuideLine V4).

Should the text file be placed into the application server, clients will read and copy it locally and then apply the settings: after that, each user can make further modifications, which will be effective locally only.

Every subsequent update on "Bly3DSettings.txt" on the server will cause the local settings to be overwritten accordingly.

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